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River Nile Environment

Although having rare petroleum activities around the river nile banks and as this nile represents the artery of life for all Egyptian people , so EGPC bears the national responsibility to protect the river nile from any hydrocarbon pollution as a commitment towards the society which seen as a clear evidence shows the social resposibility owned by EGPC .

EGPC have 1 main Hydrocarbon spill combating center at ( Al Tebin) , Cairo governorate at the North of the Nile , branched Hydrocarbon spill combating center at (Aswan) governorate at the South of the nile . Moreover , EGPC is to establishe more 4 branched hydrocarbon spill centers covering the course of the river nile at El Qaluobia (Al Qanater) , Ben Suif , Asuit , Luxor and Aswan governorates .