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Introduction to Internal Trade


The main activities of the internal trade :
*Selling the petroleum & petrochemical products and natural gas in the domestic market.
*Signing and implementing the contracts with the investment companies(Companies which work under the Egyptian Investment Law) concerning buying and selling some of the main petroleum products & by products .
*The accounting for( storage & handling ,manufacturing ,securing and the delivery ) processes which are necessary to sell the petroleum , petrochemical products and natural gas in the domestic market .
*Preparing the economic studies which are needed to the process of pricing or modifying the prices of the petroleum & petrochemical products in the domestic market.
*Revising and controlling the stock of crude oil , natural gas , petroleum and petrochemical products in the domestic market.
*Collecting the revenues which are resulted from selling the petroleum products in the domestic market.
*Paying all of the financial obligations which are related to the selling of the petroleum products in the domestic market in terms of (taxes, selling commissions ,allowances ,freight and refining price , etc. ….)
*calculating and determining the value of petroleum products subsidies .