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Distribution and Transportation of the Main Products

The strategy of the Petroleum sector aims to provide and deliver the petroleum products by all possible facilities to the end user without any obstacles. This is implemented by transportation department which is observing, monitoring and predicting the product's movement beside estimates the domestic consumption.

The transportation department is considered the heart of the EGPC because it links between both upstream and downstream without causing any trouble that may affect the citizens' daily life, the department is operating the transportation facilities as follows:

1- The pipeline network which reaches to 5000 KM is fully operated and controlled by the transportation department so that the activities include the daily operating schedule that regulates the product type, quantity and deliverable time. Moreover to that, building a strong connection between storing and transferring the crude oil from the production fields to the oil refineries besides transferring and storing the different petroleum products from refineries to the consumers across a huge network of transmission pipelines and set of storage tanks. Using the pipelines are considered the most efficient, secure and fastest method that fulfill the consumer needs in regular patches delivered in a certain time.

2- The second most common facility is the trucks which ae widely used in Upper Egypt for the remote areas that are hardly reached by pipelines.

3- Finally, the railway which is convenient for Upper Egypt specially to deliver the fuel oil and gasoil.

The transportation department expanded out of the petroleum sector and is work engaged with the electrical sector in a mutual monthly meeting to secure a regular to the power stations that generate electrical power.

Regulate the domestic market shares that are divided between public sector companies (MISR, COOP, and WATANIA) and private sector companies (EXXONMOBIL, TOTAL, TAQA, LIBYAOIL, EMIRATES and THE NILE). By appointing the companies shares monthly, the department secures the daily product to the fuel stations that is supplied by this companies later to the end users.

Industrial clients who get benefits of using fuel oil and gasoil in their huge industry are being controlled by calculating and arranging the needs to guarantee the daily mass production.